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Summer Access to Westlaw, Lexis, & Bloomberg

by Kristen Rowlett on May 7th, 2024 | 0 Comments


Continuing Students

Continuing students automatically get access all year-round. You do not have to do anything to gain access over the summer. However, please be reminded that the academic use restriction applies to summer access. Permissible uses include:

  • Summer coursework
  • Research assistant assignments
  • Law Review or Journal research
  • Moot Court research
  • Non-Profit work
  • Clinical work
  • Internship/Externship sponsored by the school

Graduating Students

Graduating students may extend access through the Grad Elite program. Registered students will get 60 hours per month of access for 6 months post-graduation.  Please look for additional information about the Grad Elite program posted when you login to Westlaw.

For additional questions, please contact Aden Luckett our Academic Account Manager.


Continuing Students

Summer Access is available to all law students once classes end for the semester/academic year, for the summer months of May, June, July and August. LexisNexis believes your participation in a summer associate, internship, or clerkship program is a valuable part of your legal education. For that reason, during this period the permissible uses of their LexisNexis law school educational ID are expanded to include use at any law firm, government agency, court or other legal position, internship, externship, or clerkship. No registration required, just sign in as usual and start researching.

Students can get ready over the summer with Lexis’ on-demand Prepare to Practice Resources including tips and Practice-Ready Certification. The program includes 3 modules and an exam to test students’ knowledge related to researching unfamiliar topics, litigation and transactional drafting, and legal analytics.

Graduating Students

After graduation, you are invited to continue accessing with your student ID for ongoing free use of Lexis+®, including all of the products and features you've used as a student, through December 31, 2023. All law students have automatic extended access. With LexisNexis, no registration is required, there are no restrictions, and no limits on your research time.

A Graduation Gift

When you sign on to after July 1, you'll see your new Graduate Homepage. LexisNexis doesn’t want you to head into your legal career without them, so they have provided a Graduation Gift for you. You'll be able to choose between four gifts featured on the Graduate Homepage:

  • Intelligize
  • Law360
  • Lexis for Microsoft Office
  • Practical Guidance
  • or a LexisNexis eBook, such as Corbin on Contracts or Weinstein's Evidence Manual

Additionally, the Graduate Homepage provides access to research resources, videos, career support and breaking legal news.


Graduating Students

All graduates have continuous access for six months following graduation. This access is automatic (no registration required) and is unlimited and unrestricted (meaning, students may use their academic accounts for “work” purposes).

Continuing Students

Continuing students have continuous access to Bloomberg Law over the summer as well. This access is automatic (no registration required) and is unlimited and unrestricted.

Students and graduates continue to have free access to our 24/7 Help Desk at (888) 560-2529 or

Warm regards,

Your Dee J. Kelly Law Library

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