Howdy! It's almost exam time again! To help you ease the stress and make the most of your study time, the library has put together a list of electronic and in-library resources that can assist you in preparing for your exams:
The West Academic Study Aids Collection includes frequently used resources such as Nutshells, Gilbert’s Law Summaries, the Sum & Substance series, Short & Happy Guides, the Acing series, and many more. If you have any trouble accessing these resources just contact Professor Joan Stringfellow, the Head of Technical and Electronic Services, at
The LexisNexis Digital Library Study Aids Collection is designed specifically for law students and offers a wide range of features and benefits that will enhance your learning experience and help you excel in your studies. Click here to sign in with your TAMU email. Once you are logged in, you have access to the full LexisNexis Digital Library. There is also a link to the Digital Library available on Lexis+, via the Product Switcher in the top left corner of the home page.
The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI) offers over 900 interactive tutorials on different law school subjects. Registration is free for all TAMU Law students. If you need a registration code, please email the reference librarians at
The Student P.L.A.Y. Guide provides free and low-cost electronic resources that will help you relax and recharge while studying.
In addition to these resources, the law library provides flexible seating, study carrels, puzzle stations, a gaming station, and other relaxation resources for you to enjoy while utilizing the library's physical space.
The Law Library Academic Support Collection (located on Range 91B) includes resources that cover a range of topics including law school success, property, torts, contracts, and civil procedure.
Happy studying!
Your Dee J. Kelly Law Library